Model Search 2011 Winner:
Matt Eldracher by Chris Teel
Last fall, FH, along with photographer Chris Teel, launched our Model Search 2011. For 6 weeks models sent in their shots and info and in December Chris Teel, photographer Jon Whitney, model Corey Kirk, actor Brandon Ruckdashel and myself narrowed down the applicants to a final top 10.

Throughout December the voting was fast and furious with two candidates in particular getting the lions share of the votes. In the end, 21 year old Matt Eldracher from Windsor Ontario took the crown.

His adorable face and lean body, not to mention his charm, gained Matt many fans. In March of this year Matt traveled to Toronto and he and Chris Teel shot on the 15th of March. Model and photographer shot several themes (some of which you will have to wait and see on Chris' site). Matt proved to be a natural in front of the camera. Also an actor and dancer, Matt used his skills to help complete Chris' creative vision and the results as you can see are both sexy and incredibly beautiful.