The original premise for showcasing the work of Robert Colgan was the post above. As stated what struck me most about Robert's work was his use of architecture and design blending man with environment. Going through his port however I so loved his work with 27 year old Anthony Muncy from Ohio. Anthony's work with Robert so beautifully illustrates so many of the things I mentioned in the previous post.

Anthony is a near perfect collaborator for Robert. He is able to blend into his setting and at the same time shine without detracting from them. He seems to know what Robert is going for and it comes through his facial expressions and beautiful eyes.

Anthony Muncy on ModelMayhem:
Anthony Muncy
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 147 lbs
Waist: 29"
Shoe: 11.5
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Short
Eye color: Hazel
Skin color: White