I was recently introduced to Toronto based Model Randy Nash on a forum for male models I was struck by his face and eyes. The world is full of beautiful bodies, but there is a seriousness in Randy's face that forces you to pay attention. Randy also is able to transform himself into very differnt looks by changing his hairstyle. He looks very different with longer curly hair, short straight hair and his buzz cut. Concentrating on his strong nose, beautiful eyes and mouth let you know that it is indeed Randy. Check out Randy's Model Mayhem page HERE:

First two pics above by Lindsay Lozon.

Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 171 lbs
Shoe size: 11
Hair color: Brown
Hair length: Medium
Eye color: Blue
Skin color: Olive
Experience: Experienced

Below: Randy by Kemuel Valdes.

Some of my favorite shots of Randy were shot by a photographer I have been planning to showcase for awhile. Toronto based photorapher Edwin Cabrera knows how to shoot beautiful men. Edwin does not need his models to take off all thier clothes to create beautiful sensual images, Edwin puts his focus as much on his models faces, eyes and expessions as much as on just the body. You can check out Edwin's site HERE: Or spend some time as I did on his amazing blog found HERE: