The beautiful and intensely sexual Swedish born Patrick Ribbsaeter is one of the most interesting models I have researched. Besides his amazing looks, he is also a model who speaks beyond his pictures through his blog and videos. It is great to see a model who speaks out for causes he believes in and who is describe by many who have worked with him as a down to earth, caring person to work with. Find out more about Patrick at his Official Site HERE: and great blog HERE:

Below: Proving that his heart is as beautiful as the rest of his parts, the Thai-Swedish supermodel bared it all in PETA Asia-Pacific’s latest ad campaign against the cruel treatment of elephants in captivity.

Usually hate adding any pic with a watermark (they are so offensive to me for some reason) but this pic from MostBeautifulman was too good to ignore.

Next two pics from the great Leslie Kee: