1. Make less Movies: Law seems to have already slowed down his movie making, but I am not sure whether that is his choice or if it has to do with the amount of movies he is being offered. No matter what comes up Jude, stick to one major movie a year, maybe one other in a small interesting part, and then spend some time again on Stage or PBS. You need to gain some of the respect back you had when your motion picture career took off.

2. No more romantic leads! Jude, your not a romantic lead. Although I enjoyed Holiday, you wisely were playing a supporting player. Alfie sucked, and although I love ya, you are not meant for them. You play complex, tortured characters with far more conviction and are much more believable. Sleuth was a good start.

3. Continue to drop your skivvies when the opportunity arise. Actors from across the pond such as Ewan and Daniel Craig and yourself have always fascinated and thrilled us with a more open attitude to male nudity. I know those shots of you changing were embarrassing and unfair, but now that your penis has been spread all over the net, what is stopping you from showing it on screen. If not, more butt shots. Don’t get me wrong, I understand actors do not want to get typecast and I know it may not be as easy as you get older, but.....the many women fans you may have gained with your mainstream roles were not enough to counter the many gay fans you lost when you went Hollywood. Your more than a body, you proved that in many of your movies. You got our attention not only because of your nude scenes, but because the characters you played early in your career were interesting character studies, much more interesting than many of your later roles. I suggest a good supporting role as a former male prostitute down on his luck deciding to blackmail some of his former johns who have since become famous. Something you could sink your teeth into.

Jude your career is on the skids, you need to reclaim the fan base who first discovered you long before Hollywood came calling. Go back to what worked, great supporting characters who exude the sexuality you yourself do. Your not Tom Hanks, and thank God for that. Tom Hanks is great, but your Jude Law. Tom Hanks makes me smile, you used to make me drool. Now...not so much. I look forward to drooling again in the future when you find a part worthy of your talent.